Secret Societies


This article entitled ‘Secret Societies’ was an inspirational Newsletter from the 1980s by the Lifewave Light and Sound Meditation Organisation. The original document can be viewed in the PDF file at the end of the article.

It has been said that man is naturally a religious animal and has always sought to understand his creation. That a divine hand nourishes and sustains every particle in nature has never been in doubt and from the study of nature man has attempted to find the answers that are demanded by his very existence.

Not all people were suited to pursue this task nor were all people fit to share in the answers. In fact the arcane information gathered had to be protected for its own sake and for all these reasons the Mystery Religions and Secret Societies of ancient cultures came into being. Their chief object was always to teach the doctrine of:

“One God, the resurrection of man to eternal life, the dignity of the human soul, and to lead the people to see the shadow of the deity in the beauty magnificence and splendour of the universe”.

That they were also instrumental in advancing the leaming of the sciences, the arts and the philosophy and raising the culture of ancient societies can not be denied. Modern society, for all its apparent technology could not compare with the ancients in terms of architectural design and construction, philosophy and the arts.

Those who gained entrance into the ancient philosophical/religious mystery schools were variously known as pharaohs, magi, druids, serpents, snakes, initii and so on, all words meaning first or initial. The ancient initiates believed that man could not live intelligently unless he had a fundamental and working knowledge of nature and its laws. The Mysteries were devoted to instructing man in the understanding of how divine laws operated in the universe. They taught man to “use his faculties intelligently, to be patient in the face of adversity, to be courageous when confronted by danger, to be true in the midst of temptation, to view a worthy life as the most acceptable sacrifice to God and his body as an alter sacred to the diety.



Only to the initiates would be revealed the esoteric, spiritual teachings while the rest of humanity would receive the literal, exoteric interpretations. This can be seen clearly when considering scriptural works. The great mass of people will look for nothing more than literal interpretations in the text, but Initiates will recognise that the stories and parables are sublime allégories for spiritual truths.

Celsus contrasted the basic requirements for enterance into the early Christian Church with those of  the pagan mysteries in the caustic words:

“That I do not accuse the Christians more bitterly than truth compels, may be conjectured from hence, that the cryers who call men to other mysteries proclaim as follows:


“Let him approach whose hands are pure, and whose words are wise. And again others proclaim: ‘Let him approach who is pure from all wickedness, whose soul is not conscious of any evil, and who leads a just and upright life’. And these things are proclaimed by those who promise a purification from error.

Let us now hear-who those are that are called to the Christian mysteries: Whoever is a sinner, whoever is unwise, whoever is a fool, and whoever in short, is miserable, him the Kingdom of God will receive. Do you not, therefore, call forth, a sinner, an un just man, a thief, a house breaker, a wizard one who is sacrilegious, and a robber of sepulchres? What other persons would the cryer nominate, who should call forth robbers together?”





It was recognised very early on that the Christian church contained no doctrines, tenets or proclamations that could possibly elevate man or impart any wisdom or philosophy with regard to the creation. One of the early mystery religions, pre-dating Christianity, found in these isles is Druidism. The religions authority was totally under the control of the Druid Priests. Their power over the people was unquestioned and there were instances when warring tribes, about to attack each other, sheathed their swords when ordered to do so by the priests. No undertaking of any importance was started without their assistance.

There is much speculation as to how and when the Druid Mysteries were first started and where they received their instruction. It would seem likely that their teachings were a synthesis of esoteric teaching from Egypt reaching these isles by way of the mediteranian and the near east. The Druids were initiates of a secret school, which existed in their midst. Their secret teachings were never written down and had to be leant orally by specially prepared candidates.

Secret Societies


 The Druids were credited with having a deep knowledge of nature and her laws. They had a fundamental knowledge of medicine using herbs and simples, and also studied geography, physical science, natural theology, astrology and astronomy as can be seen from the stone rugi,  such as stonehenge, found all over these Isles:




Among their beliefs were that there were three objects of me tempsychosis (ie the transmigration of the soul from one body to another)

  • to collect into the soul the properties of all being
  • to acquire knowledge of all things, and
  • to get power to conquer evil.

There are also three kinds of knowledge: Knowledge of the nature of each thing and of its cause and of its influence.

There are three things on which diminish: darkness, falsehood and death and there are three which constantly increase: light, life and truth. The Druids taught the people of Britain and Gaul concerning the use of immortality of the soul. They believed in transmigration and in reincarnation. They taught that all men would be saved but some must return to earth many times to learn the lessons of human life.

The Druids lived in strict abstinence and studied the natural sciences. They preserved the deepest secrecy and admitted new members only after long probationary periods. Although celibacy was not demanded, few of them married.

They had a great many feast days including celebrating the birth of the Sun God on the 25th December. The Druids had a Madonna or Virgin Mother, with a child in her arms and their Sun God was resurrected at what is now called Easter. They had a great respect for nature choosing to work with her laws and they venerated the nature spirits such as fairies, gnomes and undines (water spirits).

Sant Aja Anandji


Secret Societies – A Lifewave Newsletter 1980s


Secret Societies
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