Zodiac Sign Characteristics Part 2


This article titled ‘Zodiac Sign Characteristics Part 2’ formed part of Module 4 in the Learning Astrology Series and was written by members of the Lifewave Light and Sound Meditation Group in the 1980’s. I have added images to the text and the original document can be viewed below.



Refined and artistic nature, fond of pleasure, cheerful, hopeful, generous, sociable, affectionate and romantic. Good reasoning ability, perception and comparison. Just and sincere in seeing both sides of a subject clearly. Inclined to associate with others. Idealistic and need harmony in your surroundings. Indecisive. Intellectual.



  1. Have you a keen sense of justice?
  2. Are you fond of pleasure and the good things of life?
  3.  Are you fond of comparing and criticising?
  4. Are you a good listener?
  5. Do you dislike hard and dirty work?
  6. Do you feel it is your duty to help people?
  7. Would you say that association with others has moulded your life a good deal?
  8. Are you careless with your belongings, sometimes losing things?
  9. Are you a keen follower of fashion, beauty, dress, etc.?
  10. Do you sometimes delay decisions until it is too late?
  11. Are you impatient with method and necessary routine?
  12. Have you strong feelings and emotions?




Firm, determined and obstinate. Have much energy and activity, also pride and self-confidence. Shrewd and penetrating mind with a love of delving into secrets of nature, birth, life and death. Forceful, passionate, strong temper and can be very jealous and know how to use sarcasm to advantage. Strongly attracted to opposite sex. The strength of this sign must have an outlet and can either be constructive or destructive according to how you use it. Sultry. Brooding.


  1. Have you strong likes and dislikes?
  2. Are you determined, critical and secretive?
  3. Have you strong powers of attraction and attachment?
  4. Have you ever inherited money, or won money?
  5. Can you keep a secret?
  6. Is your mentality subtle and acute?
  7. Have you a lot of physical energy?
  8. Are you lucky in receiving gifts?
  9. Are you sometimes jealous,angry,passionate?
  10. Do you dread being ill?
  11. Have you suffered from deception and misplaced confidence?
  12. Are you skillful with your hands?




Active, jovial, enterprising, self-reliant and independent disposition with a natural inclination to philosophy or science. Progressive ideas and a love of freedom. Sometimes a little too outspoken and tactless although of a kindly and sympathetic nature. Intuitive and a good conversationalist with ready wit. Fondness of travel, walking, sport and outdoor activities. Happy when fighting other people’s battles. Restless.



  1. Do you like exercise, walking, sport?
  2. Are you inclined to be too outspoken?
  3. Do you dislike restraint or control?
  4. Do you like travelling – long voyages?
  5. Are you naturally intuitive, have dreams are you prophelic?
  6. Have you the ability to write?
  7. Do you find that an unfinished task worries you?
  8. Have you a keen sense of justice?
  9. Are you fond of animals, especially horses?
  10. Are you inclined to expect too much of others?
  11. Have you the ability to teach?
  12. Do you like reading philosophy, travel and educational matters ?




Persevering, ambitious and practical with ability to hold positions of responsibility through your patience and determination to succeed. Ever striving to climb to the top being desirous of power and fame. Trustworthy and reliable, very rarely impulsive, being slow and deliberate. Avoid becoming too thrifty and overcareful of your own interests. Reserved nature and somewhat serious. Guard against despondency and lonliness by mingling with bright company. Rarely demonstrative or fond of play. Conserver of materials and resources.


  1. Are you economical, practical and cautious? 
  2. Do you admire people of intellect?
  3. Are you particularly careful in money matters and business affairs?
  4. Do you get on better with older than younger people?
  5. Have you a deep sense of responsibility towards your family
  6. Do you set a great value upon the opinion of the world?
  7. Do you like to mingle with those of good birth?
  8. Do you dislike any special demonstration of affection?
  9. Are you a good worker especially for yourself ?
  10. Do you get fits of depression ?
  11. Do you feel like you make money go further than most people ?





Shy and retiring nature, broadminded and sympathetic. Interested in humanity and the hidden faces in nature. Strongly intuitive with inclination to science, music, philosophy and literature. Unconventional. Detached. Original. Rebellious.



  1. Have you inventive ability or originality?
  2. Are you unobtrusive, humane and kind?
  3. Have you heard others say that you are difficult to understand’?
  4. Are you reserved or retiring?
  5. Do you like original or unusual people?
  6. Do you trust most people and are sometimes let down?
  7. Do you have many friends and acquaintances?
  8. Have you a desire to be quite alone at times?
  9. Are you a lover of animals?
  10. Have you the tendency to forget advice after you have asked for it?
  11. Do you like uncommon dressing?
  12. Have you lost opportunities through indifference or laziness?



Sensitive, receptive, sympathetic, impressionable with varying moods and although you feel deeply, you rarely express your emotions. At times the willpower needs strengthening for you would rather suffer injury than fight for your rights. Inclined to be imposed upon and influenced by people and circumstances. Dependable and trustworthy. Deep sympathy for those in need. Avoid tendency to worry, despondence. Vague, confused, impressionable.


  1. Have you a tendency to become over-anxious and restless? 
  2. Are you careless of personal comforts and necessities?
  3. Are you well informed on a great variety of subjects?
  4. Are you inclined to show a better front than you can maintain?
  5. Are you good at detail work-liking method and order?
  6. Do you know how to use subtlety and persuasion to advantage?
  7. Have you an inferiority complex at times?
  8. Can you keep a secret?
  9. Do you get despondent?
  10. Would you rather suffer injury than fight for your rights?
  11. Do you have empathy for those who are helpless?








Zodiac Sign Characteristics Part 2
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