The Dynamic Force of Love

The Dynamic Force of Love written by an Enlightened person and offers unique insights into how it can transform ones life.

As many of you know, for me its now more than a decade since my Enlightenment. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then, and in many ways I am a completely changed person. In other ways though, I am just plain old Fiona – recognizable to family and friends as the girl that has managed to turn out OK and raise two healthy kids, despite all that meditation and being vegetarian!

Enlightenment holds for each of us an opportunity to learn how to be in a completely new way: admittedly the most natural and delightful way, but a new way nevertheless. This is partly as a result of enlightenment, but it is also due to the many other realizations that occur during and after Enlightenment itself.

There are so many of these “smaller” but wonderfully illuminating realizations that its hard to know where to begin.

The realizations that trickle through after Enlightenment itself cover many aspects of our understanding of the nature of individuality, of change and of the nature of creation. However, the single, most overwhelming realization of enlightenment is that enlightenment is love; the Absolute Being is love; our own essence and the essence of all beings is love. For me, on enlightenment, I literally felt full to bursting with love.

The lower vehicles (our subtle “bodies”), the physical, astral and emotional aspects of ourselves can never be expanded to encompass Enlightenment. They literally do not have the capacity to do so – it would be like trying to race in the Grand Prix driving a bumper car. Sometimes though these subtle aspects of ourselves do try very hard to join in, and we can experience them gently resonating to the purest expression of themselves. The time just after Enlightenment was one of those times for me. All my chakras felt awash with wonderfully tingling energy, and whilst I could see that creation was fragile and illusory, I had never felt so real, so human, so alive, so loved or so full of love.

Over the past years I have witnessed this love filter through my mental, emotional and physical vehicles, so that whilst nothing in creation can become Enlightened, more and more of my personality is now able to reflect what was revealed on Enlightenment. With that has come a contentment, a tenderness, which in the early days I only knew in meditation, but which now seems somehow to sing from every cell in my body.

This feeling never leaves me, it doesn’t come and go, just as Enlightenment doesn’t come and go. But, it would be misleading to imply that Enlightened people never have “bad days”. Personally I still have days when I feel at odds with the world; when my body aches and my brain can’t seem to grasp the simplest of things. That’s life.

Enlightenment after all doesn’t take our humanity away – if it did we would be left senseless and inanimate. Instead Enlightenment enhances our humanity, as it brings the opportunity to witness our personality in its fullness – in all its contradictions, in all its delights and in all its passions.

For me the time just after Enlightenment was a time of wondrous exploration and excitement, and not surprisingly, tremendous change. On the level of the individuality, Enlightenment enabled me to see the personality in a way that I hadn’t been able to before – I was in effect viewing “myself” from the outside in. The viewpoint that I had previously used to observe myself and my world, no longer had the same relevance. 

I didn’t always like my observations of myself, and many of my old ways of being seemed irrelevant, and sometimes ridiculous. Whilst the changes that occurred as a result of this new state were not completely effortless, they were helped by the recognition of the fact that change was only painful when resisted. When I recognized the need for the personality to become more flexible, more accepting, less critical of itself and of others and so on, change was actually very refreshing and not as challenging as I had perhaps anticipated.



The Dynamic Force of Love
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