Taurus Zodiac Sign Introduction

At the exact time of your birth, the sun was in the Taurus Zodiac Sign, and it is referred to as your sun sign. We will discuss Taurus from both a mundane and also a spiritual perspective so you can see how the soul naturally evolves with its birth energies.

taurus zodiac sign

The Personality-Centered Taurus (Rulership through Venus)

With Taurus being an earth sign, your spirit (Sun) likes to express itself through practical work, or where there is a definite need to act. The fixed nature of the sign also makes you reliable to others at work and in the home as well as giving you a determination and stability, although sometimes with a lack of flexibility and stubbornness. These can prevent you from reaching your potential creatively, so it is well to try and keep an open mind throughout life. 

Taureans can be charming and have a warm, generous nature and you like practical activities and giving service to others, but you do like to be appreciated for what you do.

You learn a lot about life through the strong development of your senses. There is often a keen love of nature. You love beautiful objects and enjoy comfort, the good life and luxury, which stimulate the senses in an uplifting way. There is sensual pleasure in sex, which can provide a great deal of satisfaction for you.


So you like beautiful things (Venus rulership) in your life and enjoy comfort and sensual pleasures. The need to collect things can sometimes lead to materialism for its own sake and although they add to your sense of security, ultimately your higher self is not associated with material possessions, so do not define your worth through your worldly goods. There is a much more permanent security in connecting with the oneness of Spirit inside you.


Taurus Zodiac Sign Keywords 

taurus zodiac sign



The Soul-Centered Taurus (Rulership through Vulcan)

taurus zodiac sign

The soul lesson of your Sun in Taurus is Service through Love. Your higher self aspirations are grounded in daily life so your spiritual impulses are demonstrated in a practical way. The broad lesson to be learned in the zodiac sign of Taurus, is to be able to use the material world as a means of expression for the indwelling Christ or Soul. This involves looking at your more material and carnal instincts and harmonising them so that they do not dominate your spiritual aspirations.

On p. 374 of Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology, the Tibetan Master says:

“Taurus forges the instruments of constructive living, or of destruction.

It forges the chains which bind, or creates the key which unlocks the mystery of life.”

The more evolved Taurus has transformed their desires and values to a more spiritual goal, and hence the direction of their will moves towards ever greater spiritual evolution and the lifting of humanity out of the same bondage. Herein lays the wisdom inherent in the soul-centered Taurus. She/He is one who goes beyond the semi-circle of the Moon, which is also associated with illusions, and into the spiritual certainty of the circle.


The phrase representing Taurus esoterically is “I SEE “, which refers to the illumination of creation when the third eye is opened. The third eye sees and penetrates the Light beyond form. When you are aligned to your highest good, you will charge towards your goal. 

In soul-centered astrology, Taurus is said to be ruled by the planet Vulcan.  Indeed, it is highly symbolic that Vulcan is the esoteric ruler of earth-based Taurus and yet is invisible to physical eye.  It tells us that in order to develop her highest potential, Taurus must develop the Third Eye, that vehicle of vision that allows a person to see beyond form and into spirit.  


Taurus Zodiac Sign and the Rays

Taurus is a fixed earth sign and is aligned to the 4th Ray of Harmony Through Conflict, perhaps the most grounded of the rays. It teaches wisdom through the victories, trials and tests of life leading to the spiritualisation of man through the dissolution of mans attachment to matter. This is how the Taurean moves from a personality centered individual to a soul-centred one.


Further Reading






Taurus Zodiac Sign
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