(i) Thoth Magus Tarot Card Tutorial

This article consists of a detailed YouTube and written presentation of the Thoth Magus of the Major Arcana of the Thoth Tarot, as part of a complete series on this deck. Clicking on the image below will access the YouTube Presentation:

thoth magus


(ii) Earlier Versions of the Magus

The Juggler

thoth Magus



Crowley describes this as: “one of the crudest and least satisfactory in the mediaeval pack.” (Book of Thoth p70)




Le Bateleur

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The French Title is ‘Le Bateleur’ meaning bearer of the Baton representing Mercury, the bearer of the wand transmitting the Will or Word of cosmos from the spiritual realms.





(iv) Thoth Magus

The Thoth Magus is Hermes Trismegistus and is based upon Greco-Egyptian traditions as these offer a more effective explanation of the qualities of the Magus when combined together.


thoth Magus


Hermes Trismegistus



“Trismegistus” = “thrice great” and this probably refers to his qualities:

  1. A messenger of the Gods (Mercury),
  2. Wisdom (Thoth) and
  3.  magical/alchemical (Hermes)



These qualities come from three cultures:

(a) Roman = Mercury (a messenger between the Gods and mortals) and also is the:

thoth magus

“word of creation whose speech is silence.” (Book of Thoth p70)

Mercury also guided the recently dead to Hades: the title given is a ‘psycopomp’


(b) Egyptian = Thoth


Thoth has the head of an Ibis bird that has powers of concentration to stand on one leg. This quality of concentration helps the Magus channel the spiritual energy from above. Crowley states:

“This is quite evidently a symbol of the meditative spirit.” (Book of Thoth, p71)




(c) Greek = Hermes (Hermetic; alchemy, magic).



(v) Thoth Magus Variations

Three versions of this card were painted by Frieda Harris but only the left image approved by Crowley for the Thoth Deck.

thoth magus


(vi) Rider Waite Magician

He stands with his right arm stretched upwards towards the Universe, and the left arm pointing down towards earth. He connects the spiritual and the earthly dimensions, acting as a bridge between the two to manifest his goals.


 thoth magus

Note the extension of the Jupiter finger of the Magician. This relates to his authority, responsibilities and influence as a channel for spirit:

thoth magus


(vii) Thoth Magus and the Tree of Life

Path 12: The Intelligence of Transparency

The Thoth Magus occupies Path 12 which is called the ‘Intelligence of Transparency’ ruled by Mercury. It lies between Kether (formlessness) and Binah (the womb from which form is created).

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In order to understand what this 12th Path represents we can look at a definition of a transparent object:

 ‘allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen.’

This implies no distortion of the energy flowing from Kether to Binah, and the role of the true Magician is to act as a clear channel for this energy as can be seen in both the Thoth Magus and Rider Waite Magicians:

thoth Magus


On a macrocosmic level the Thoth Magus acts as a channel for the creative impulse issued in the 11th path of the Fool, and microcosmically, he is a great communicator and applies intelligence in building his life. However as Crowley states:

“he is duality, he represents both truth and falsehood, wisdom and folly.” (Book of Thoth, p70)


This is why the Magus can also be represented as the ‘Trickster’ because he gives birth to form or illusion (in Binah) from the pure, formlessness of Kether.


(xiii) Thoth Magus Hebrew Attribution and Astrological Attribution


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Hebrew = Beth = HOUSE implying construction or the making of things. It has a ‘window’. A house can also mean the Human Body, as it is referred to in the Bible. So Beth implies that the Thoth Magus needs to build himself and his world to be as clear (transparent) a conduit for spiritual light as possible.

Bet = 2 = duality/creation = form & illusion. He has to complete his task despite the illusion of duality. It is the first of the double letters meaning it has a hard and soft pronunciation.

The Thoth Magus has an astrological attribution of Mercury. The Egyptians called the God Mercury ‘Thoth’ and was attributed the writer of many books in science and the inventor of writing. This makes him competent with words, language and speech, all holding a certain vibration within them.


(ix) Thoth Magus Symbolism

Androgynous = he is naked and like the Fool has a combination of masculine and feminine features. This comes from his association with the unity of Kether (and hence lack of gender) as shown on the Tree of Life diagram above.

Juggles 8 objects 

The first 4 objects are those representing the 4 elements (fire, water, air and earth):

1. Censer = vessel for burning incense = FIRE

thoth Magus

thoth magus


2. Cup = Cups, WATER. Two handled of Grecian style.

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thoth magus


3. Dagger = Swords, AIR

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4. Disk = Coins, EARTH. Here it is represented as the 8 fold star of Mercury; (the 8th Sephiroth, Hod) is ruled by Mercury

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5. Winged Egg = Spirit, the fifth element. Also known as the Orphic Egg and appears again in the Lovers card. Its represents the nothingness out of which everything is born. Thus we have the opposites of the Magus representing manifestation and the Orphic Egg the formlessness and potential of spirit.

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thoth magus


6&7. Stylus & Scroll = the tools of Thoth. He created hieroglyphs and was a scribe

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thoth Magus


This demonstrates the intellect and Will of the Magus as he communicates through writing. The Thoth Magus is also associated with Mercury, a planet representing communication and the endless movement of creation. This is why meditation is very important as we get a sense of stillness and we move closer to Kether, something the movement of Mercury is very much an opposite to.





8. Wand of Double Power 

  1. Symbolic of the power of Horus, Lord of the New Aeon.
  2. The Harmonising energy of Tiphareth on the middle pillar of the Tree of Life 
  3. Resurrection (through following the path of the Fool to completion)


thoth Magus


The close association of this card to the sun can also be seen by:

Sunburst on the Thoth Magus right = barely visible and represents Mercury’s close relationship with the sun:

thoth magus



The Caduceus

This symbolism is really all about fertility and hence the birth of new things.

In the Book of Thoth we are given diagrammatic representation of the caduceus on page 273:

He states this represents                  “the balanced energy that has created the illusion of existence”
We can see this applied in the Thoth Magus Card:

Caduceus Head = A winged phallus

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Circle = eye of Horus.

Dove descending in circle of caduceus = spirit descending into creation. It is also linked to the Empress Card, as both card have a dove, and the Empress is ruled by Venus. She represents Love and fertility. Thus the caduceus is sexually complete and fertile, able to manifest the creation and Tree of Life as we saw in the diagram by Crowley.

Yellow Outline of Caduceus = representing Vau of the Tetragramaton, the product of the union of Yod (phallus) and Heh (dove, wings of Isis)

Lemniscate = (Infinity shape made by serpents) above the head of the Magus. This represents the infinite nature of his source in Kether. It stretches down through his feet showing that he channels into Binah and hence creation.


Left serpent = wears a throne shaped headdress of Isis and is associated with Binah (the feminine sephiroth of the Supernal Triangle):







Right serpent = a basic crown representing Kether.



So both serpents together represents the Thoth Magus connecting Kether and Binah. The white light of Kether is seen in a V shape behind the Thoth Magus, whilst the darkness of Binah is seen below him in the card.

Remaining Symbolism

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 Magus wears winged Sandals of Hermes = the messenger of the Gods like Hermes. Here the Magus is the channel for spirit arising in Kether.

Sandal Strap = a serpent like those of the caduceus, a serpent shedding its skin suggests life anew. The Fool has decided to change his life forever and walk into the illusion of matter to find his higher self.

Background (crossing Lines) = this is the making of form in creation. Note they do not penetrate the formlessness of Kether in the inverted triangle. The ark semi-circle at the bottom is Binah which gives birth to the illusion of form.

Ape of Thoth (Cynocephalus) on Thoth Magus left = by the right foot of the Magus. Represents the distortion of ‘truth’ that is inherent in form, or in this case the speech of the Magus. Truth is distorted through the personality of the one trying to represent it. Perfection is only in spirit. Crowley says of it: 

‘Manifestation implies illusion'(Book of Thoth, p72)

 There is a form of Cynocephalus in the Fortune Card called HermAnubis, and is associated with Mercury:


(x) The Fool to Magus Transition

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Macrocosmic Transition from Fool to Magus

The Fool occupies Path 11 (‘The Scintillating Intelligence’) which is directed out of the Unity of Kether to Chokmah. The Thoth Magus occupies Path 12 (‘The Intelligence of Transparency’) and therefore acts as a clear channel for the spiritual fire initiated in Path 11.


Microscopic Transition from Fool to Magus

In one sense this is a rather difficult transition! We have left the freedom loving carefree nature of the Fool, who rather lives in his own protected bubble of innocence and bliss, and swapped it for the Magician who is someone who deals with ‘creation’  and ‘forms’ and therefore all the karmas that go with those actions of creativity that he has.

On the spiritual path it represents the difference between the journeyman (Fool) and someone who is willing to form a separation from that place and look at giving it up for something much larger (The Universe). However, this is only the first step.

It implies that when the seeker first starts this process of self-reflection and action, that support and encouragement are needed.

The positive side is that they can use the skills of the Magus to create meaningful things around them that will help on their spiritual path, however actions have consequences and so we can just as easily be led down paths and create things which have no benefit or have detrimental effects to our spiritual progress.

In summary the Fool to Magus Transition is about making the decision to step outside of our comfort zone and create what is necessary to assist us to a much bigger understanding of the universe in future. An example might be someone who was previously happy-go-lucky and comfortable with their material life, then taking a decisive step to look at their spiritual path and so would then need to make lifestyle changes to accommodate this new goal. Their comfort bubble has burst!


(xi) Thoth Magus Divinatory Meanings


Thoth Magus Upright

thoth Magus 1.You have all the skills and tools needed to move forward with something that you want to achieve. The key is to be able to bring these skills together in the best possible way so that you have the maximum chance of success in what you do.

2. We need to look at the content and purity of our thoughts because all actions have consequences. What we put out eventually finds its way back to us – coloured by everything it has touched along the way. A time to focus on our goal and what we practically need to do to get there.

3. You need to have the discipline and focus to translate your ideas into action.

4. Clear communication with others is needed at this time to make the best possible chance of success with your goals.

5. Examine your skill set to make sure you are not underestimating or overestimating them in relation to your desired goal.

6. The need to bring spirituality into our lives. The lemniscate above his head shows a need to connect the spiritual (Kether) with the material (beam he walks). We can also be a channel for spirit to flow through into our lives and vitalise it.

7. We have to separate out that which is truthful in our lives from that which is deceiving us. This may be in the realm of our work, relationships or our spiritual path.

8. A good time to share our spiritual knowledge with others who are looking for a deeper meaning in their life.


Thoth Magus Reversed

thoth Magus


1. Using ones skills to the detriment of others. Tricksters, con men. Claiming to have skills they do not possess.

2. Being out of touch with your own reality. You are not seeing your life and the world around you in a healthy way and you have lost insight and objectivity.

3. Creating situations that are of detriment to yourself and specifically your spiritual path. These may be worldly things that are taking up too much of your time and are a distraction. 

4. Poor communication with others hampering your path forward. This needs to improve to maximise success.

5. You have lost the ‘magic’ in your life, which now seems to be mundane. Inability or lacking inspiration to get where you want to go, so time to reassess your skill set and motivation.


6. Not sharing enough of your spiritual insights with others who would be greatly helped if you were open to your ability to channel spiritual realisations.


(xii) Thoth Magus in the Celtic Cross Spread

thoth Magus

1: Heart of the Situation = A time to focus on your goals, review your skillset and use them effectively to reach your goal. Do you need to learn any new skills to accomplish this task?

2: Possible obstacle = creating detrimental situations that make accomplishing your goals more difficult. Miscommunication with others.

3: Unconscious Influences = Subconsciously you want to be more in touch with your spiritual path so that your daily life is more enriched as you become a channel for this spiritual inspiration. The sacrifices that are needed to make this change may scare you into taking responsibility for growth in this part of your life.

4: Recent Past = (If Reversed): could have been deceived by someone who has knocked your confidence.

5: Hopes and goals = to find an outlet that uses all your skillset in a more productive way and leaves you feeling useful and inspired.

6: Short Term Future = make sure your communication with others is good and you learn as much as you can to move forward with purpose.

7: How I Am Approaching the Situation = using skills in a focused way, harnessing them so that I can get the best possible outcome (e.g. someone training for a new skill or qualification).

8: External Environment = you could be receiving spiritual insight from a teacher who you helps you with your spiritual path.

9: Guidance & Warning = don’t be too scattered in your goals. Maintain a clear focus on one thing and let that have your undivided concentration.

10: Overall Outcome = manifesting what you want through skill and focus. Spiritually is about creating an effective process of treading your spiritual path, pooling your skills to achieve your ends successfully.


(xiii) Thoth Magus Recommended Links

Paul Hughes Barlow

MarVeena Meek

Angel Paths 


(xiv) Spiritual Hierarchy and Meditation Links

The Spiritual Hierarchy

Meditation Group

Thoth Magus Tarot Card Tutorial
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2 thoughts on “Thoth Magus Tarot Card Tutorial

  • 25/11/2019 at 6:10 pm

    My deck has all three Magus Cards. Can you give a description to the other two cards regarding symbolism? Thank you for all you do!

  • 25/07/2022 at 7:57 pm


    I am new to studying the Thoth Tarot deck. My question is, The Magus card is the only trump card where the attribute ‘Mercury’ and not the Hebrew name ‘Beth’ is on the left of the card title. Is there any significance for this difference?

    With thanks


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