Thoth Adjustment YouTube Presentation  

My new YouTube channel is : Thoth Tarot Videos. The major arcana videos are yet to be remade.

thoth adjustment tarot card

(ii) Thoth Adjustment Tarot Card

The Thoth Adjustment Tarot Card is very much about free will, choice and the universal action of karmic balancing (Adjustment) with respect to the choices we all make throughout life.

Our choices can be from a wide range of possibilities represented by the alpha and omega of the card, but in order to make the most enlightened choice for us, our actions must be in resonance with our true will, which simply put is the main life lesson for which we have incarnated this time.

It is merging of the free will of us as human beings with the true will of the Soul 

which has been set up for our particular life purpose.



(iii) Rider Waite Justice Card

The Rider Waite Tarot Card is related to Libra, the air sign representing the intellect and balance. In the left hand the scales imply a situation to be assessed and balanced on the facts. In the right hand the sword indicates an act of judgement or even further analysis, dissecting the facts as they present themselves. The message here relates to human judgement of a situation.

thoth adjustment tarot card

(iv) Differences between Thoth Adjustment Tarot Card and Rider Waite Justice

Justice = a judgement is about to happen. It implies a decision of legal implications perhaps is and very much to do with the discretion of man and his personal judgement based on the facts.

Adjustment = implies karmic cause and effect in a much more impersonal and universal way. The judgement has already been made as there is balance in the card as seen in the symmetry. Harmony has been established after disharmony has been cut away by her sword.

(v) Thoth Adjustment Hebrew and Astrological Attribution

The Adjustment Tarot Card is ruled by LIBRA which emphasises the energy of this card being about equilibrium, karmic cause & effect, bringing a situation into balance, weighing the pros and cons.

thoth adjustment tarot card


Adjustment is associated with the Hebrew letter LAMED meaning OX-GOAD. The goad is a traditional farming implement used to spur or guide livestock, usually oxen, which are pulling a plough or a cart; used also to round up cattle. It is a type of long stick with a pointed end, also known as the cattle prod.

thoth adjustment tarot card


In some ways this card can represent a form of RESTRICTION as the Ox is restricted to go in the direction of the Ox-Goad implying the Adjustment card is about self control.

Astrologically this card is associated with LIBRA which is ruled by Venus. She is the Goddess of beauty and Tiphareth also means beauty. There is beauty in the underlying balance of the universe if we look for it in whatever way we can.

(vi) Thoth Adjustment Card & The Tree of Life

Path 22: The Path of Faithful Intelligence

This refers to the intelligence of the cosmic life force carried forth in the Fool Tarot Card  giving intelligence and directed action to the whole of creation. This is explained more fully in the section on the relationship of the Adjustment Card to the Fool.

The Path of Geburah to Tiphareth 

Adjustment occupies the path between Geburah and Tiphareth as shown above.

Geburah = The destroyer, represented by the Sword.

Tiphareth = The heart of man, Christ Consciousness, the Third Eye connecting all other paths on the Tree of Life.

Implied in this is that we have to follow our true will and bring some order into the chaos and infinite possibilities of the Fool. Following our true will is like aligning to our life’s calling, the best possible expression of who we can be.

 In doing this we use the destructive power of Geburah to peel away all those aspects of our life which are not serving our highest good so we become more focussed on our true path and reveal what is in our heart centre (Tiphareth), hence the term ADJUSTMENT. This links in with the fact that this action must be borne out of LOVE as stated in the Book of the Law described below.

This may also occur karmically with circumstances beyond our conscious control if we go too far off our path. This process happens on every level and so we have a universal law stating every action has a consequence and the universe adjusts to the change. Examples may include global warming, COVID and the effects of warfare on nature to name but a few.

The figure in the card is also the He Final of the Tetragrammaton and therefore the lower consciousness. However as we have seen in previous videos she is reabsorbed into the Tetragrammaton and the cycle is repeated, this implies a process of raising our consciousness with this card so we are expressing our higher self through Adjustment and following our true will when the lower self (Princess) dies to become the Queen (our mature self). This cycle can be represented in the image below:

(vii) Relationship of Adjustment & The Fool 

Liber AL and thoth tarot cards

  • If the letters are reversed they become LA which means Nothing in Hebrew.
  • If we have LA (nothing) = 0 and God (the totality, including duality ) = 2 then we have the Thelemic equation 0 =2.
  • This can be seen in the 2 of disks card.  So this links in with the balance between opposites and trying to achieve balance in one’s life. 
  • AL is also linked with A = Aleph = Ox and L = Lamed Ox Goad which keeps the Ox moving in the right direction as outlined above.
  • AL also stands for the Name of the Book of the Law Liber AL. The main axiom of the Book of the Law is “Love is the Law, The Law Under Will”. With respect to the Adjustment Card, Love is the reconciliation of opposites through karmic balancing.

The diamond curtain in the Adjustment card links it with the diamond in the right hand of the Fool as shown below:

(viii) Thoth Adjustment Tarot Card Symbolism

Mask & Leggings with crossed diamonds = HARLEQUIN

thoth adjustment tarot card



The Harlequin is characterized by his chequered costume. She is the feminine counterpart of the Fool.

Crowley says in the Book of Thoth p87:

“She is the ultimate illusion which is manifestation, she is the dance..of life itself.. All possibilities are enjoyed under the phantom show of space and time” 






Crown of Maat 

thoth tarot crown of maat

Maat and Isis thoth tarot

Uraeus Serpent (on her forehead) = Not seen in the final draft of the card but the concept is explained in the image below:

uraeus serpent crowley thoth tarot

Sword = 

  1. Masculine, phallic symbol between her legs simulating procreation. This is how the daughter (He final) becomes the mother (He) as shown in the Tetragrammaton cycle above.  
  2. Represents the Will of man and reflects the Book of the Law quote: “Love is the Law, The Law Under Will”.
  3. The destructive weapon of Geburah, cutting away that which is not useful to the spiritual seeker and therefore creating something new, leaner and more useful.

Green Background = This card is associated with Libra which is ruled by Venus. Libra represents autumn, a time of year when there are bright colours in nature. Crowley wanted to convey this message in the card. 

Alpha and Omega = balanced on scales on her crown and show the beginning and ending of possibilities that are open to us. We must choose wisely and follow our life purpose.

Black chains = the influence of Saturn which is exalted in Libra. Saturn is connected to time, which is the context in which the dynamic nature of the universe takes place. Saturn also implies the discipline and focus required to follow ones true will (sword) to bring about harmony in one’s life (balanced scales).

Blue and Green Spheres = in balance representing the masculine and feminine energies respectively. They are in groups of 4 representing the fourth Sephiroth Chesed which also imples time, space and restriction.

Feathered Curtain = extending from the spheres of duality. The slightest action distrubes them and the equilibrium of the universe.


(ix) The Chariot to Adjustment Transition

The Chariot is about Victory after using ones inner drive and will power to accomplish goals. Adjustment is the balance and harmony that results from the actions of the Charioteer. In the process he has had the vision to cut away all that does not serve him to make room for that which does. Alternatively, if these are reversed we see that following a path in life that is not constructive would result in disharmony and unbalance.

thoth adjustment tarot card

(x) Thoth Adjustment Divinatory Meanings

Aleister Crowley changed the name of this tarot card from Justice to Adjustment, indicating that justice is not a passive concept and we maintain the balance in our lives by adjusting to our ever-changing life circumstances. In this way, maintaining balance is an active process rather than a passive one. It is not something that happens to us but something we make happen and requires constant assessment and adjustment on our part.

Adjustment is about self-control and self-order and in order to maintain harmony in our life. The Adjustment Tarot Card encourages us to look at personal responsibility in regards to what happens to us. We see this with the idea of Karma in which every action has some sort of reaction, whether it is in this life or from a past life or in a future life Thus, every act we do has consequences. 

It is this process of constant assessment and balancing which opens us to spiritual expansion.


Adjustment Upright Meaning

1. Taking stock of our life and seeing what things are useful and what can be let go of that is no longer serving us. Using the sword (WILL) to be decisive in taking action to re establish harmony and balance, even if this means breaking ties with certain people or breaking habits that are proving destructive to your well being.

2. Think carefully about your life ahead and be aware that all actions/decisions have their consequences. Look at this happening personally and in the world around you. Encourage yourself to see Karma acting on many different levels. Modern day examples might include global warming, COVID, the effects of war, the support of aid organisations or organisations for climate change. All of these are acting in a far bigger universe that just our personal space. Get a feel for how nature acts to restore balance.

3. Some of the principles of Maat are truth, order, justice, righteousness and morality. Are you living by your own personal truth or are your actions steering you away from this path? Be aware that ALL of your actions matter. Like the butterfly effect, every thought or action you have will produce a Karmic effect:


Crowley adjustment card


Adjustment Reversed Meaning

1. Our life is out of balance and harmony. We need to recognise this but also be gentle with ourselves to make the necessary changes to get back on track and become inspired by life again.

Take time out, a step back, and see what the results of your actions are both on yourself and others. Use this as a learning curve to improve your awareness in the moment, becoming stiller, like the figure in the card. Meditation is a great way to slow down and become more conscious.

2. Refusal to change (Saturn/restrictive) to life’s circumstances. Even though you are reaping the consequences of actions which are not productive, you have put up barriers to change and have got stuck in a rut.

3. It could be that the actions of others are having an unbalancing effect on your life and you have not addressed this situation (unlike the upright meaning when action has been taken to rectify harmony).



(xi) Thoth Adjustment in the Celtic Cross Spread

celtic cross tarot spread

1: Heart of the Situation = the importance of finding once most important path in life

2: Possible obstacle = too many obstacles to what we really want to do

3: Unconscious Influences = perhaps lost faith in our true path or our ability to reach our goals

4: Recent Past = divorce/marriage

5: Hopes and goals = to have harmony in our life once again

6: Short Term Future = legal decisions or a decision to make which will have legal implications

7: Self Image in this situation = making decisions to reach a better balance in our life.

8: Environment = impending legal matter for the better, as mentioned above or change in job or house.

9: Guidance & Warning = the need to find our true path in life and make the neccesary decisions to effect that change.

10: Overall Outcome = harmony, balance, following ones true purpose in life.

(xii) Thoth Adjustment Links.

Paul Hughes Barlow

Marveena Meek



Thoth Adjustment Tarot Card Tutorial (2021 Update)
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5 thoughts on “Thoth Adjustment Tarot Card Tutorial (2021 Update)

  • 16/04/2023 at 1:39 am

    l am alone and was so depressed. slowly I was coming back to the normal from the divorce trauma. I’m emotional. I tried to explore and reached go the place with some beautiful people from different countries. someone was a tarot card reader, dancer and a healer. suddenly aft 3 days the 4th day was so hard for me coz I had to leave,but I was attached with her. she asked me to pull a card and it was ADJUSTMENT. I want her as a guide, a partner of life or more…but she says meditate…maybe I’m wrong in choosing as per the card… but maybe I’m right… should I leave it on the mother nature??? I’m confused. I’m again in hell of suffering

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