Is the desire to exist a conscious or unconscious state of awareness?

Firstly the nouns: is desire a state of awareness? Well there is all the necessary ingredients: someone who has the desire, the something that is desired and the interaction between the two in the form of thinking and feeling.

Secondly, the adjectives:  is the difference (or degree of difference) between conscious and unconscious the addition of ( or degree of) self awareness to awareness?

For most people the desire to exist may be unconscious most of the time, something that is just running in the background until existence is threatened and then it really does become conscious!So perhaps it can be both.

But then if awareness is completely replaced by self-awareness perhaps the desire to exist completely disappears, as existence becomes ‘being’.

It may be therefore a sliding scale as we become more self-aware do we need to have less desire/need to exist; does the desire to exist actually become more conscious and thus less of an actual desire and more of knowledge that we have/will exist (at least in the being sense of exist).


Is the desire to exist a conscious or unconscious state of awareness?
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