Queen of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial 

My new YouTube channel is : Thoth Tarot Videos. The Court Card videos are yet to be remade.


queen of wands


 (ii) Thoth Queen Of Wands

Here we see a Queen of Wands seated upon a throne with a leopard sitting at her right side. She has her right hand on the leopards head and in her left hand she holds a rod with a pine cone at the tip.

queen of wands


(iii) Rider Waite Queen of Wands

queen of wands



(iv) Sub Elements of the Queen of Wands

queen of wands


She is made up of the fiery aspect of Water

Fire and Water are enemies, they weaken each other therefore she will have contradictions in her nature which are hard to resolve like the Knight of Cups. This is despite the fact that she is a very strong person but this inherent imbalance of her make up means that she is apt to cross between her light and dark sides often.


(v) Tetragrammaton & the Queen of Wands

She represents He Primal

queen of wands


(vi) Queen of Wands & the Tree of Life

The Queens are related to the third sephiroth or Binah on the tree of life. Whereas the Knights act under the influence of Chockmah, the Queens have the capacity to internalize and self reflect more. This requires a quality of endurance that the Knights do not possess.

queen of wands



In tarot Binah is associated with the  Three and the Queens. the Threes  are associated with manifestation in matter, and the Queens are the Mothers of the elements of their suits, much like Binah has been called the great mother giving birth to form.

Binah represents the female potency of Chokmah, just as Chockmah represents the male potency. Binah is the great sea or womb which receives the force of Chohmah and begins to give it form. It heads the pillar of severity since in form comes birth and death, and so we have limits being formed here. Binah is ruled by Saturn which governs time. and in his Greek form Kronos ate his children. So Binah as well as the positive attribute of giving birth to ‘form’ in creation ,also is responsible for the cycle of birth and death, hence a suitable place is the head of the pillar of severity.


(vii) Astrology of the Queen of Wands

She rules 21°Pisces to 20° Aries. This bestows the spirituality and sensitivity of Pisces with the strong will and ambition of Aries. As we will see, this combination does not always produce positive results !

Pisces gives her sensitivity and inspiration

Aries gives her leadership and self-confidence.


(viii) Symbology of the Queen of Wands

Crown = has 12 rays of light emanating from it representing the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is also open and expressive & is connected to spirit.

queen of wands


The zodiac is a representation of NUIT the Sky Goddess as seen in the Aeon card:

The above implies integration of her personality and connection with her different traits. Also suggests she has worked through issues to be able to have a clear vision (zodiac is her crown, so a crown of knowledge of what the different signs bring to the world). Therefore relates well to others. Ties in with her compassionate side.

Throne = of fire. Her passion, ambition and energy to get things done and assert herself. Sometimes this translates to imposing her will on others.

Crowley states : “She is seated upon a throne of flame, ordered into geometrical light by her material power. Beneath the throne the surging flames are steady.”

Steady flames = she has gained an element of self-mastery and control of herself

Fish clasp for her cloak =  compassion, spirituality, sensitivity. Associated with Pisces

Thyrsus = wand with pine cone has several associations.  The thyrsus, associated with Dionysus (or Bacchus) is a symbol of prosperity, fertility, hedonism, and pleasure/enjoyment  penis and the pine cone representing the “seed” issuing forth. 

Paul Hughes Barlow reminds us that Bacchus also relates to The Fool. He is also intoxicated with life but has not met life’s challenges yet so there is more of an innocence to his nature.

queen of wands


Queens eyes closed = reminds us of this ‘intoxication’ and absorption she has with her life as she is fully committed to accomplishing her goals.


(ix) Mythology of the Queen of Wands

She represents a woman who, before she knew who she was, had black hair and walked with a panther by her side. She began to discover her nature through self-development, her hair turned brown and her panther turned into a leopard. When she fully realised who she was and expressed herself fully in the world, her hair turned red.. The spots of the leopard remained as a reminder of the dark times she had experienced in her past.

So the Queen of Wands represents the process of self discovery and awakening to who we really are, even though this means we have to experience possible dark periods in our life.



(x) Minor Arcana Cards ruled by the Queen of Wands

She Rules : 10 of Cups (Satiety) + 2 of Wands (Dominion) + 3 of Wands (Virtue)

10 of Cups (Satiety)

queen of wands

 This is the opposite of what she normally expresses as a goal orientated hard-working person. In this shadow aspect of herself can lurk a tendency to rest upon her achievements and riches to the point of not making best use of them. The cups do not overflow and pass on the ‘riches’. She can be greedy and selfish and not share her insights and give to others.





2 of Wands (Dominion)

queen of wandsThis is an important aspect of her nature and represents her desire and confidence to go out into the world and fulfill her goals and establish herself. From this she derives the energy to complete tasks and get things done. She has an authority and a presence that people respect and has lots of innovation through Mars in Aries to make her a great success in what she chooses to apply herself to.






3 of Wands (Virtue)

queen of wandsWith Virtue, we have the direction in which the two of wands needs to be applied in order for her to be the best she can be and be of service to the world.Open lotus blossoms mean following what has meaning for us and following something from the heart. We have an understanding of what are our ‘virtues’ .. what we have to offer to the world in a useful way and so we are in tune with our own needs at the same time. This card is also about trusting ourselves to make the right decisions in our life and not be held back by fear. Angel Paths says : “Virtue is about excellence – ethically and personally. It is about developing and maintaining high standards of behaviour, and then learning to have the confidence, self belief and strength of character to live out those standards through our every act.”




(xi) I Ching & the Queen of Wands

Crowley associated the Queen of Wands with the 17 th Hexagram, Sui

 queen of wands


Crowley states :

“It indicates reflection upon impulse, and the consequently even flow of action.”

This hexagram has been called ADAPTING. Nature adapts in the seasons, animals fu thickens in the winter as does the bark of trees. Applying to the Queen of Wands, it means knowing when to act, when not to. When to speak and when to stay silent. Success through adapting to the realities around you and being flexible in thought and deed. She can have a tendency to control and dominate and so this adapting quality is important for her to get on in the world.

As was indicated by her sub elements, she does have contradictions and so she must strive to be the best she can be.

True power comes in serving others, not dominating so she must strive not to control events (despite her Arian nature to dominate)


(xii) Divinatory Meanings of the Queen of Wands


Queen of Wands Upright

queen of wands

  1. Someone going through the process of self discovery and remembering how powerful they are. reclaiming their life.
  2. Has got to this point by resolving difficult issues in the past. She now a very strong character.
  3. A time to express your natural power and beauty and move on from the past.
  4. A strong independent leader focussed on her goals and knows what she wants. She leads a very active life. She has a lot of creative energy and creates a powerful first impression.





Queen of Wands Reversed

queen of wands

Can be quick-tempered, tyrannical, pursue her goals until she is burnt out, domineering, jealousy. 








(xiii) Celtic Cross Interpretation of the Queen of Wands

princess of disks

1: Heart of the Situation = The need to put difficult times behind you, reclaim your personal power and be one pointed in the pursuit of your goals

2: Possible obstacle = issues of the  past holding you back, disconnecting you from your confidence in the present.

3: Unconscious Desires = to be more confident and know what we want out of life not letting the past hold us back

4: Recent Past = confident, goal setting, independent, a leader.

5: Hopes and goals = to be more confident and know what we want out of life not letting the past hold us back

6: Short Term Future = creative , know our direction in life

7: Our Self Image = confidence, independence, determination

8: Environment = An over dominant person in your life

9: Guidance & Warning = is our need for goals and independence limiting our balance in life. Are we being too controlling of others ?

10: Overall Outcome = reclaim our personal power and confidence. Know our direction and move forward.


(xiii) Recommended Videos & Articles 

Paul Hughes Barlow  

Marveena Meek 

➜ Angel Paths



Queen of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial
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One thought on “Queen of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial

  • 29/09/2020 at 4:46 am

    I just have something to say; Thank you a lot!!!! You don’t get the recognition you truly deserve. Thoth was my first deck that came to me, and I couldn’t be any more lost about it with no one in my surroundings with experience on tarot or smth, and everything with Rider-Waite. You saved me! This blog is just a gift from heavens!!! May the gods be with you, truly thankful!


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