Nine of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial

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Nine of Wands


(ii) Thoth Tarot Nine of Wands

In the Nine of Wands there are 8 crossed arrows in the background and a large dominant wand in the foreground. The moon is at the tip of this wand and the sun is the driving force at the top. Both astrological glyphs are at the bottom of the card. The background is dark grey at the top going to almost black at the bottom.

Nine of Wands



(iii) Rider Waite Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands shows a wounded man, holding a wand. He looks over his shoulder towards the eight wands close behind. He seems as though he has already been through a battle and now feels threatened by the remaining wands.

nine of wands


(iv) Nine of Wands Numerology

Nine is the last of the single digit numbers and therefore represents the end of a cycle. It is closely related to the number three (3×3=9; 3+3+3 = 9). Therefore the idea of 10 (9+1) seems a step too far. The majority of the Thoth nines are therefore positive with the exception of the Nine of Swords:

Nine of Wands

As we will see in the section on astrology, the number 9 also corresponds to the middle decan of mutable signs. For the nine of wands the mutable sign is Sagittarius.

If you multiply the number 9 by any number no matter how large, you will end up with a number that reduces back to the number to 9 again. For example:

2 X 9 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
4 X 9 = 36, 3 + 6 = 9
6 X 9 = 54, 5 + 4 = 9
9 X 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9
9 X 10 = 90, 9 + 0 = 9
20 X 9 = 180, 1 + 8 + 0= 9

The identity of most root numbers is diminished when multiplied, but the number 9 has a universal quality that shines through no matter what number it is multiplied by. We will see how this resilient quality bears out in the Nine of Wands divinatory meaning.

(v) Nine of Wands, The Tree of Life and Four Worlds

The Tree of Life

The flow of energy now returns to the middle pillar of the Tree of Life in the Nine:


Nine of Wands

Yesod in Atziluth.  Associated with YESOD the 9th sephiroth ruled by the Moon. The ninth sphere, ruled by the Moon represents the subconscious or astral energy with the conscious mind governed by Netzach (emotion) and Hod (intellect). When the ninth sphere is mastered we are free of the bias of the two sephira above and we become aware of the Astral which can range from hearing guides within to the astral planes of pure consciousness. We then begin to see the unity in all things, untainted by our personality.

Yesod being in the centre of the Tree, albeit low down, has connection with both Tiphareth (Christ Centre) and Kether (Pure Spirit).

The energy here becomes consolidated from the sephira above but it is very far down on the Tree. It is at the apex of the last traid, The Astral Triangle. The Third Triad builds up through the experience of incarnation, with Malkuth as its physical vehicle.

Nine of Wands

The Four Worlds

In the world of Atziluth, we are looking at the world of Spirit or Causation, the highest of the Four Worlds. The calming power of the Moon (at home in the nine sephiroth) gives Sagittarius the philosophy and spirituality this sign craves, especially when it comes to spiritual battles. Atziluth is the fiery world of inspiration and spiritually it is a reminder that no reward in our spiritual path comes without patience. We may feel like a wounded warrior at times but we plan to win the war!

Nine of Wands




(vi) Nine of Wands Astrological Attributions

 1. Decan: 2nd decan of Sagittarius (11 – 20°) & ruled by the Moon

2. Moon in Sagittarius

Nine of Wands

So we have a DOUBLE lunar influence in this card, as the moon both rules the decan and also the 9th Sephiroth Yesod. So the Moon is in a comfortable position, even in the flighty sign of Sagittarius.


(vii)  Nine of Wands Symbolism

Nine of Wands

Central Dominant Wand = connects Tiphareth (Sun) with Yesod (moon) on the Tree of Life, 

This represents the bringing of the subconscious (moon) into the conscious (sun) and refers to our latent or hidden powers becoming awakened and applied towards something practical.

Top of Main Wand = Sun /Moon combination (integration of conscious/unconscious)

Tip of Main Wand = Moon in Sagittarius = directed will (Sagittarius) pierces the unconscious represented by the moon = using our willpower to draw on untapped reserves of strengths.

Sun = has 9 wavy and 9 straight rays. 9 represents the influence of the moon:

Nine of Wands

Arrows are red = Sagittarius a fire sign.

9 moons on arrow = Yesod & 9th sephiroth

10 flames in the background = relates to Malkuth, the 10th Sephiroth and implies that this card will relate to visible results in our life.


 (viii) Eight to Nine of Wands Transition

Nine of Wands

This is the opposite of the energy of the 8 of wands which is a short burst of energy. Here we have a long acting energy of ENDURANCE. Whilst in the past we have been able to accomplish things quickly, we are now in a situation that tests us to the limit. We have a very different task in front of us which will require all our resources to see it through.

(ix) Shemhamphorasch Angels of the Nine of Wands

Jerathel: Confidence. Inexhaustible source of energy. Optimism. Dissipates confusion, leads to success. Liberates one from evil, propagates the light.

Seeiah: Happy longevity. Protection from accidents. Caution and foresight.


(x) Nine of Wands Divinatory Meanings

Nine of Wands


The Nine of Wands represents a continued directed willpower which we have exerted over a long period of time. Despite all the flux and change around us (double Moon influence) we keep on going. Somehow we find the strength within us despite being exhausted. This card has been likened to climbing an endless set of stairs and we are left wondering when we will get to the top. However, the strength detailed in this card is one which has great flexibility due to its close association with the moon. This makes us very adaptable as well as tenacious.



Nine of Wands Upright

Nine of Wands

You may feel exhausted, but you are ready to do what it takes to get complete your goals. A long period of study for example.

Standing your ground in the face of challenges, even though they may seem impossible to accomplish at the time. Know that obstacles are just another opportunity for growth. Now is a time to trust yourself and continue until you have accomplished what you set out to do.

A situation in which we have to look deep within ourselves (Moon) but be assured we have what it takes to get through this period and we will find more harmony and balance as a result (blending of sun and moon energies)


When we reach deep inside ourselves, we will discover new depths of strength and power we never thought we had and these will bring about more balance and harmony within our life.

You are able to be flexible to overcome life’s challenges. The Tree that can bend with the wind will survive the storm!

Make sure you establish appropriate boundaries in your life so that others are not depleting your energy reserves without giving anything back. Make sure others are clear in how they can support you at this time.

Recovery after a long period of sickness which has tapped your reserves of energy.

You may have doubts at this time (illusion of the Moon) but take confidence that you have what it takes to reach your goals.


Nine of Wands Reversed

Nine of Wands

Lack of flexibility in dealing with the current situation (Moon moves fast in its orbit and therefore reflects change, flux).

Feeling overcome by our responsibilities and that we are not getting enough support around us to help. Not a time to take on further commitments but manage better what you have to complete.

Doubts about your own abilities and strengths are getting the better of you. You need to recognise this and reconnect with your inner strength and resolve.

Swamped by our emotions (Moon) which are clouding our ability to draw on our strengths to achieve our goals. A relationship break up for example.

Feeling as if our foundation (Yesod) is being challenged and that we do not have the strength to deal with the situation in hand.

You cannot seem to find a way through a situation (sun, consciousness) dominated by subconscious moon). This can even result in things such as bad dreams, not sleeping, both of which reduce your capacity to function through the day.


(xi) Nine of Wands and The Celtic Cross Spread

Nine of Wands

Card 1: (Heart of Your Situation) – We have a situation in hand which is testing us to the limit and using all our resources.

Card 2: (Obstacles/Challenges) – Feeling as if we do not have the energy to get through this situation

Card 3: (Subconscious Influences) – All your habits of thinking and acting are stored in your subconscious mind. Plan positive thoughts and affirmations that will support your strength and determination to succeed in your life.

Card 4: (Your Recent Past Affecting Situation) – A period where you feel you have been tested to the limit but have come through it and found your inner strength can get you through.

Card 5: (Your Hopes & Goals) – To live a life that plays to your strengths and helps you to grow both as a person and spiritually.

Card 6: (Your Immediate Future) – A situation or period in your life that is likely to be very demanding of your time and resources.

Card 7: (How you are Handling the Situation) (reversed) – Feelings of doubt and insecurity you  surrounding you but you need to realise that you can turn this around by having belief in yourself and taking the time to realise that so you can move forward with more confidence.

Card 8: (Your External Environment) – Strong willed, resourceful. Your environment (job for example) may be very demanding of you.

Card 9: (Guidance and Warning) – The need to set boundaries of what you can accomplish given your resources. Make sure others are not just simply taking from you but also supporting you in some way.

Card 10: (Your Overall Outcome) – Developing confidence in yourself that you have the tenacity and strength to accomplish what you set out to do. This is very important for our self-growth and belief.


(xii) Recommended Video Links

Paul Hughes Barlow

Marveena Meek


Nine of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial
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