(i) Glastonbury Tarot Deck Review

Glastonbury Tarot Deck: A slide show of this wonderful deck can be viewed by clicking on the image below:

glastonbury tarot


(ii) Glastonbury Tarot Introduction

The cards follow the sequence and symbolism of other traditional tarot cards, but contains within its imagery myths, legends and historical figures as well as sacred sites which are in the locality of Glastonbury and Somerset, England.

The major arcana concentrate on these myths and historical figures whilst the minor arcana show landscapes for the area and combine these with the symbolism of each card.


(iii) Glastonbury Tarot Major Arcana

Below is a list of correspondences between the major trump and the historical figure represented in the card.By reading the accompanying book, online research and meditation we can fill in the details for each one.

An example is given below in order to demonstrate the relationship between traditional tarot meanings and those of the Glastonbury Tarot Deck.

The Fool is represented by Perceval was brought up alone in the wild forest in Wales by his mother, as his father and brothers which were all Knight were killed in battle. She kept Perceval isolated and innocent of the ways of the world in order that he did not follow the same fate.

Eventually his path in the forest crossed with that of some passing Knights. He subsequently wished to follow suit and he left his isolation which is where his path in the world starts.

In the card this innocence is represented by is part nakedness, thereby allowing no barriers between himself and the world. His white trousers represent his innocence. He does not carry anything which symbolises that he brings nothing but himself inside and out. 

glastonbury tarot


The Hill in the card is Wearyall Hill, Glastonbury as seen in the image below:

glastonbury tarot


The traditional Fool is depicted as a man stepping over a prepuce, unaware and unconcerned with the path ahead.

So both cards represent an innocent approach to life or a situation and is fully immersed in the moment, unconcerned about the future or past.

The handbook which comes with this deck is rich in the imagery and symbolism for each card and in turn each of the cards are beautifully illustrated. Examples from the Glastonbury Tarot Deck are shown below.









           glastonbury tarot deck


(iv) Glastonbury Tarot Minor Arcana and Court Cards

Below is an example of the chalace (cups)  minor arcana cards and the vesica (disks)  court cards.


The Chalaces (Cups)



glastonbury_tarot_lisa_tenzin_dolma (9)


Vesica Court Cards


glastonbury tarot



(v) Recommended Links

  1. Lisa Tenzin-Dolma Facebook
  2. Lisa Tenzin-Dolma Website


Glastonbury Tarot Deck Review
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