(i) Four of Wands YouTube Video

My new YouTube channel is : Thoth Tarot Videos. Clicking on the image below will take you to the video on YouTube

four of wands


(ii) Thoth Tarot Four of Wands

Four wands can be seen in a circle rather like a mandala. The wands form an 8 spoked red wheel on a green background and 8 flames can be seen issuing between the spokes although they are not as strong as in the three of the suit.

Crowley states that the initial will from the two of Wands is complete, in other words we have finished a project, succeeded in a goal but that:

“this limitation bears in itself the seeds of disorder” (Book of Thoth, p191)



(iii) Rider Waite Four of Wands

A celebration is taking place outside a castle (stability). A joyous card indicating harmony, fulfillment, success and possibly a good time to get together with friends and family.

four of wands


(iv)  Numerology and the Four of Wands

Ace= Monad

Two= Diad

Three = Triad

Four = Tetrad (from which we get the tetrahedron):


Philosophers of Greece stated that reality was comprised of 4 elements: Fire, Water , Air, Earth and so it was a number of the manifestation of our world. We have a sense of completion from the combination of the 4 elements.

1+2+3+4 = 10. Pythagoreans believed the number ten to be the ‘perfect number’ and forms the ‘Tetractys’ as shown below:

(v) Four of Wands, the Tree of Life & 4 Worlds

(a) The Tree of Life

The Four of Wands is associated with the forth sephira ‘Chesed’ ruled by Jupiter.

Chesed is the first sephiroth of the Ethical Triangle on the Tree of Life and also the first sephiroth below the abyss, in a simplified sense, separating the spiritual and material worlds and is the sphere where manifestation of form first appears.

4 of wands


It is the CHANNEL for energy coming through from the Supernal Triangle to flow through the remaining sephira and it gives structure and a sense of completion. 

Images associated with Chesed include the Enthroned King,the square and the pyramid, all suggestion a stability.

(b) The 4 Worlds

The Four of Wands is resides in Chesed in Atziluth.


(vi) Astrology of the Four of Wands

Decan : 3rd decan of Aries ruled by Venus (21 – 30°)

Venus in Aries

Venus travels 180° from its natural rulership in Libra to get to Aries so it should be in DETRIMENT here however it is not. It gives some harmony and peace to the aggressiveness of Mars so there are some ‘harmony in opposites’ here in the 4.

Put together we have the emotional desire (Venus) to move in new directions (Aries) but the card reminds us we have work to complete first.

Crowley states in the Book of Thoth (p.190),Venus in Aries implies that “one cannot establish one’s work without tact and gentleness.”




(vii) Symbolism of the Four of Wands

Circle with 8 spokes = completion/harmony similar to a mandala:

four of wands


8 spokes = the number 8 has Hebrew letters which mean ‘to will’ , ‘to love, ‘to bind’

Wands with Rams Heads = ‘will’ of Aries

Wands with Doves = harmony and peace of Venus

Circle = work has been completed

Green Background = Venus

Yellow Circle = creative sun energy or our energy used up in this task


(viii) Three of Wands to Four of Wands Transition

Completion of the work carried out in the Three of Wands to ones satisfaction. This might relate to the finishing of a work or other project started some time ago.


(ix) Shemhamphorasch Angels of the Four of Wands

Nanael: Facilitates communication with the divine. Inspires meditation and divine communication. Mysticism.

Nithael: Hospitality, eternal youth, celebrity and prestige. Stability, legitimate successor. Artistic and aesthetic talents.


(x) Divinatory Meanings of the Four of Wands

 Four of Wands Upright

You have completed a significant phase of a project and can feel very pleased of what you have accomplished so far. A time of joy and satisfaction in life and represents the personal gratification of a job well done or a goal attained. Try to be flexible for the future as we always outgrow structures as they are by definition, limited.

The completion of a property deal, buisness, marriage or family, or patterns of your daily life. These have all been built on solid foundations.

Rest is needed after a period of hard work has come to a successful conclusion

Indicating a need for security (stability of the number 4), and wholeness (the circle).

Completion of a phase in ones life perhaps academically, spiritually or in ones career.

We accomplish things more easily when there is a stability and harmony in our lives. Crowley states tact (sensitivity in dealing with others) and gentleness are necessary in this process


Four of Wands Reversed

The expansiveness of Jupiter in Chesed takes over and perhaps we have taken on more than we can handle in a project and we are beginning to feel stressed about its completion.

A tendency to start new things without completing others.

Too comfortable in the structures of life that we have built. We become complacent. Desires can aso change and therefore we may need to come out of our comfort zone to explore new horizons.

Not feeling whole and balanced within ourselves.

A lack of tact and too much harshness by ourselves or another causing delays in finishing a project or not getting the best out of people. A situation lacking in harmony.


(xii) Four of Wands and The Celtic Cross Spread

4 of wands thoth tarot

Card 1: (Heart of Your Situation) – The desire to complete something which you have started, to have fun and harmony in your life.

Card 2: (Obstacles/Challenges) – We have taken on more than can now handle. Feeling overwhelmed (e.g. a job is proving too time consuming to complete what has been asked of us, to the detriment of our health.

Card 3: (Subconscious Influences) – Feeling insecure and incomplete in your life. (career, personal)

Card 4: (Your Recent Past) – successful completion of a phase in your life. You can always draw on this strength if times are now challenging.

Card 5: (Your Hopes & Goals) – You have something close to your heart that you would like to finish. It may be career, relationship (feeling secure, stable) or spiritually orientated.

Card 6: (Your Immediate Future) – finish current projects before setting new ones for yourself.

Card 7: (Your Internal Self at this Time) – stable, harmoneous, joy ( for example someone completes their A Levels and is going on to University).

Card 8: (Your External Environment) – a tactless work collegue or boss is providing a difficult environment for you to get on and complete your work.

Card 9: (Guidance and Warning) – Once you finish your goals, dont get lazy and rest in your new found security for too long otherwise complacency will creep in.

Crowley states that the initial will from the two of Wands is complete, in other words we have finished a project, succeeded in a goal but that:

“this limitation bears in itself the seeds of disorder” (Book of Thoth, p191)

Card 10: (Your Overall Outcome) – great times ahead indicating the successful completion of your goals, providing you with much joy and stability ( for example: getting your ideal job, house move, relationship)



(xi) Useful Crystals Associated with the Four of Wands

1. Tigers Eye

four of wands

Tigers Eye Stone is a crystal with lovely bands of yellow-golden colour through it. This is a powerful stone that aids harmony and balance, and helps you to release fear and anxiety.

It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.

This is a stone that helps us to be more active, mentally as well as physically… and its major work is within the lower chakras and so has a grounding effect.



2. Haematite


Hematite Crystals have an excellent grounding and balancing energy… as well as being a powerful aid to stimulate the mind. They enhance memory and evoke deep thought. They can be made into jewelry as seen in the picture above.

They will assist the development of logical thought processes, and help you to reach the highest capacity possible. They will heighten self-confidence, will power and self-esteem. The energy of these stones have a strong physical grounding energy, that vibrates strongly at the base or root chakra.


(xii) Affirmations and the Four of Wands

  1. Completing the old releases me for the new


(xiii) Recommended Video Links

Paul Hughes Barlow

Marveena Meek


Four of Wands Thoth Tarot Card Tutorial
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